  1. 16 Sep 2024 Journal Article International Journal of Social Research Methodology

    Beyond the “wow” factor: the analytic importance of boredom in qualitative research

    Tair Karazi-Presler, Edna Lomsky-Feder

    In this paper, we perceive boredom as a potential resource for creativity in qualitative research. We present three main arguments. First, boredom is often an inevitable stage on the way to research excitement and can even serve as an important clue leading to analytic surprises. Second, there is a methodological need to reflect on boredom in order to understand the

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  2. 12 Sep 2024 Journal Article Critical Sociology

    Turning Theory to Practice: Palestine as a Sociological Question: ASA Resolution for Justice in Palestine


    On 29 April 1956, Ro'i Rothberg was killed in an ambush in Nahal Oz, a Kibbutz located just outside the Gaza Strip. Moshe Dayan, Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, deliv-ered aneulogy, part of which contained the following: Early yesterday morning Ro'i was murdered. The quiet of the spring morning dazzled him and he did not see those waiting in ambush

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  3. 4 Sep 2024 Journal Article Economy and Society

    Under the finfluence: Financial influencers, economic meaning-making and the financialization of digital life


    This paper explores the rise of financial influencers (‘finfluencers’) on social media and their impact on shaping financial subjectivities. Employing the dual theoretical frameworks of economy-as-communication and financialization of everyday life, we uncover how finfluencers transform individuals’ understanding of and engagement with personal finance through digital

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  4. 26 Aug 2024 Book Chapter The Routledge Handbook of Global and Digital Governance Crossroads

    Political Culture and Educational Governance: Covid-19 and the Limits of Decentralization in Israeli Education


    This chapter focuses on educational governance in Israel, charting events since the independence of the state that led to and cemented over the years its deep-rooted centralized governance. Furthermore, this chapter examines the hierarchical division of labor and the pandemic’s impact on the political culture of Israeli education. Ultimately, the historical moment

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  5. 30 Jul 2024 Journal Article Socius

    The Gendered Language of Financial Advice: Finfluencers, Framing, and Subconscious Preferences


    As financial advice migrates online, “finfluencers” are democratizing access to financial knowledge, challenging the historically male-dominated advisory landscape. This mixed-methods study explores how gender shapes the creation and consumption of finfluencer content. Qualitative analysis reveals gendered advice patterns: Men emphasize quantitative aspects, whereas

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  6. 28 Jul 2024 Journal Article American Behavioral Scientist

    Strict Piety, Gender, and the Nation-State: Postscript


    This postscript addresses the findings of researchers examining the complex relationship between strict religious observance, gender dynamics, feminism, and state transformations. It underscores the importance of gender analysis within religious groups to enhance our theoretical frameworks. Highlighting religious movements' insights into contemporary practices, it

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  7. 27 Jul 2024 Journal Article New Media & Society

    Digital Mary: Religious Mediatization and the Re-Enchantment of a Mega Symbol

    Oren Golan, Nurit Stadler

    This study examines how sacred sites and their agents construct the mediatization of Mary. A qualitative analysis of Instagram postings of four European holy sites of the Virgin combined with ethnographic fieldwork identified three primary ways in which webmasters manage Marian sites to amplify her charismatic appeal and inspire awe: (1) Marycentrism: Situating Mary as

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  8. Jun 2024 Journal Article Current Anthropology

    How Is Space Culturally Transformed? Religious and Aesthetic Creativity in Walled Spaces

    E Farinacci, Nurit Stadler

    In this paper, we explore the transformation of a state-regulated, highly militarized contested space, designed to guarantee security and exercise state control, into an arena of spontaneous religious creative practices. We investigate the processes of transformation that a highly militarized borderland surrounding is undergoing owing to the religious influence of two

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  9. 16 May 2024 Journal Article Family Relations

    Do more egalitarian men experience less union dissolution? A couple-level analysis

    Liat Raz-Yurovich, Barbara S Okun, Matanel Ben-Avi

    Objective We consider whether heterosexual unions in which male partners are more gender egalitarian experience less union dissolution. Background Gender revolution theory argues that as men become more egalitarian in their attitudes and behaviors, female partners experience reduced work–family conflict, and couples enjoy more stable partnerships. In contrast, the “flip

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  10. 14 May 2024 Journal Article Demographic Research

    Are highly educated partners really more gender egalitarian? A couple-level analysis of social class differentials in attitudes and behaviors


    Background: Research suggests that, following major changes in women’s roles in developed societies, gender relations within heterosexual partnerships are entering a second stage, during which men’s roles are the main source of change. Some scholars suggest that changes in gender roles occur differentially across social classes, as reflected in variation across educational

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