  1. Sep 2024 Journal Article תיאוריה וביקורת

    Between Blackness and Blackface: Athol Fugard, John Kani and Winston Ntshona’s The Island in Arabic

    בין שחורּות לבלאקפייס: גרסתו הערבית של המחזה "האי" מאת אתול פיוגארד, ג'ון קאני ווינסטון נטשונה

    מאמר זה טוען שגרסתו הערבית של המחזה האי מאת אתול פיוגארד, ג'ון קאני ווינסטון נטשונה, בבימויו של עמית גזית לתיאטרון העירוני חיפה ב־1983, אינה מתרגמת בדיוק את המקור הדרום־אפריקאי (אם כי אין מחלוקת על כך שהסופר, המתרגם והאינטלקטואל אנטון שמאס אכן העביר את הטקסט לערבית ולעברית), אלא מצטטת אותו במרחק מכונן מדרום אפריקה. באמצעות

    הצג עוד
  2. 1 Jul 2024 Journal Article Women's Studies International Forum

    “A normal nation in our land”: Reproductive righteousness, redemptive politics and LGBTQIA+ opposition in contemporary Israel

    Lea Taragin-Zeller, Ben Kasstan

    This article examines the political rhetoric and policy pursuits of a right-wing nationalist party in Israel (‘Noam’), showcasing how opposition to gender and sexual diversity is centered within an exclusionary vision of Jewish purity. Discursive analysis of political materials show how Noam frame gender and sexual diversity as potent proof of moral decline and as

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  3. 21 Feb 2024 Journal Article Public Understanding of Science

    The four “R”s: Strategies for tailoring science for religious publics and their prices

    Lea Taragin-Zeller, Oren Golan, Yariv Tsfati, Nakhi Mishol-Shauli, Yael Rozenblum, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari

    A recent wave of studies has diversified science communication by emphasizing gender, race, and disability. In this article, we focus on the understudied lens of religion. Based on an analysis of ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) science journalism and its readership, we identify four main strategies for tailoring science, which we call the four “R”s—removing, reclaiming, remodeling

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  4. 10 Jan 2024 Journal Article Social Media+ Society

    Algorithmic Ventriloquism: The Contested State of Voice in AI Speech Generators


    This article explores the vocal human–machine relations embedded in text-to-speech (TTS) generators. Retracing the human sources behind the synthetic speech and tracking the remediation of the voice by the machine-learning algorithm, it argues that artificial intelligence (AI) speaking agents such as Siri and Alexa, as well as other TTS acts such as TikTok’s, are

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  5. 1 Nov 2023 Journal Article Fabula

    Poetic Emancipation: Wissenschaft des Judentums and the Study of Folk-Narratives


    The present article aims at explaining the unique role the study of folk-narrative played in the Wissenschaft des Judentums (the scholarly study of Judaism) as it emerged in the nineteenth century and first half of the twentieth century and as it was negotiated later. This article engages how the language of Wissenschaft constructed Jewish texts in the language of

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  6. 12 Sep 2023 Journal Article Reading for Water: Materiality and Method

    Hydrocolonial Johannesburg


    Johannesburg is a landlocked city, famously the largest human concentration in the southern hemisphere not located on a river. What opportunities does it afford for hydrocolonial analysis, given Isabel Hofmeyr's anchoring of that term in oceanic studies? How might a hydrocolonial orientation defamiliarize the relations between surface and depths that have shaped

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  7. 24 Aug 2023 Journal Article Plos One

    Religious diversity and public health: Lessons from COVID-19

    Lea Taragin-Zeller, Tamar Berenblum, Estefania Brasil, Yael Rozenblum, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari

    Scholars have identified a range of variables that predict public health compliance during COVID-19, including: psychological, institutional and situational variables as well as demographic characteristics, such as gender, location and age. In this paper, we argue that religious affiliation is also a clear predictor for compliance with public health guidelines. Based

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  8. Jun 2023 Book

    The State of Desire: Religion and Reproductive Politics in the Promised Land


    An intimate account of Orthodox family planning amid shifting state policies in IsraelIn recent years, Israeli state policies have attempted to dissuade Orthodox Jews from creating large families, an objective that flies in the face of traditional practices in their community. As state desires to cultivate a high-income, tech-centered nation come into greater conflict

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  9. 27 May 2023 Journal Article Ethnologia Europaea

    Negotiating Tradition Archives in a Community Setting: Sounds of Silence and the Question of Credibility


    Following the digitization of archival records of ethnographic work conducted among Yemeni Jews in the early 1970s, we presented these findings to the same community at the same location, fifty years later. In this renegotiation, our interlocutors radically undermined the credibility of our archival material. We analyze the audience’s reactions and the way they reflect

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  10. 23 May 2023 Journal Article History of European Ideas

    Claude Lefort: the myth of the One


    A growing interest in Claude Lefort is bringing to light his radical insights on modern democracy, totalitarianism, and human rights. While the notion perhaps most closely associated with Lefort is that of ‘the empty place of power,’ this article offers a reading of Lefort from a unique angle: his concept of the myth of the One. I demonstrate that to Lefort, the

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