  1. Sep 2024 Journal Article תיאוריה וביקורת

    Between Blackness and Blackface: Athol Fugard, John Kani and Winston Ntshona’s The Island in Arabic

    בין שחורוּת לבלאקפייס

    מאמר זה טוען שגרסתו הערבית של המחזה


    מאת אתול פיוגארד, ג'ון קאני ווינסטון נטשונה, בבימויו של עמית גזית לתיאטרון העירוני חיפה ב־1983, אינה מתרגמת בדיוק את המקור הדרום־אפריקאי (אם כי אין מחלוקת על כך שהסופר, המתרגם והאינטלקטואל אנטון שמאס אכן העביר את הטקסט לערבית ולעברית), אלא מצטטת אותו במרחק מכונן מדרום אפריקה. באמצעות טרנספוזיציה של המחזה לערבית ובאמצעות שימוש בליהוק לא מסורתי, ההפקה של גזית מכבירה משקל נוסף על המטען המטא־תיאורטי של המקור ומציתה שיח שמתמקד בפוליטיקה הישראלית במקום בזו הדרום־אפריקאית. הגרסה הערבית של

    הצג עוד
  2. Mar 2022 Journal Article photographies

    Between emptiness and superfluity: funeral photography and necropolitics in late-apartheid South Africa


    Documentary photography has undergone a process of devaluation in post-apartheid South Africa. In response, Patricia Hayes has introduced the term “empty photographs” into the scholarly conversation, using it to designate images that have been derided as “‘bad,’ ‘boring,’ or repetitious” in post-apartheid settings (“The Uneven Citizenry,” 189). This article revisits a

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  3. 29 Dec 2021 Journal Article Interventions

    Hydrocolonial Johannesburg


    Johannesburg is a landlocked city, famously the largest human concentration in the southern hemisphere not located on a river. What opportunities does it afford for hydrocolonial analysis, given Isabel Hofmeyr's anchoring of that term in oceanic studies? How might a hydrocolonial orientation defamiliarize the relations between surface and depths that have shaped

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  4. Sep 2021 The Cultural Cold War and the Global South

    Choreographing Ideology: On the Ballet Adaptation of Peter Abrahams’ The Path of Thunder in the Soviet Union


    South African writer Peter Abrahams’s literary mediation of the Harlem Renaissance is often seen as foundational for black literary production in apartheid South Africa. Abrahams’s exilic trajectories have also been widely noted. Despite scholarly interest in Abrahams’s transnational involvement with pan-Africanism and communism however, existing research has not

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  5. 4 Mar 2020 Journal Article Critical Arts - South-North Cultural and Media Studies

    Celebrity and Protest in the Anti-Apartheid Movement


    This special issue proposes to juxtapose accounts of anti-apartheid protest and solidarity efforts with the field of celebrity studies in order to deepen our understanding of both through their conjunction. As our contributors show, opponents of apartheid in South Africa and beyond were cognisant of the importance of cultivating ties with local and global media, as well

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  6. Mar 2020 Edited Volume Critical Arts - South-North Cultural and Media Studies

    Celebrity and Protest in the Anti-Apartheid Struggle


    Table of Contents Celebrity and Protest in the Anti-Apartheid Movement Louise Bethlehem & Tal Zalmanovich Nelson Mandela’s “Show Trials”: An Analysis of Press Coverage of Mandela’s Court Appearances Martha Evans “Trevor is ‘News’”: Celebrity as Protest in the Early Anti-Apartheid Struggle, 1948–1960 Tal Zalmanovich Not Merely a Newsworthy Commodity: Jean-Paul Sartre's

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  7. Mar 2020 Goldreich de Shalit: Locale

    Dissent by Design: Arthur Goldreich and King Kong: An All African Jazz Opera

    התנגדות בכלי העיצוב

    באוטוביוגרפיה שלו מ-2013 - צעיר עם עניבה אדומה: מנדלה ומהפכת הנפל, 1963-1960 - נזכר הפעיל הפוליטי הדרום-אפריקאי בוב הפל (Hepple) בבכורת ההצגה המוזיקלית קינג קונג: אופרת ג'אז אפריקאית, שהיתה מאז לאגדה. האופרה מילאה אולמות במשך שנתיים תמימות ברחבי דרום-אפריקה, לפני שיצאה לסיבוב הופעות מצליח בווסט-אנד של לונדון. הפּל, שסקר במבטו את

    הצג עוד
  8. 27 Nov 2019 Journal Article Journal of Modern Jewish Studies

    South African Text; Zionist Palimpsest: Israeli Critics Read Alan Paton’s Cry, the Beloved Country


    The contemporary mobilization of the apartheid-Israel analogy on the part of activists and academics alike obscures the fact that it has a long history of use on the part of Hebrew-speaking writers and intellectuals. Some of the earliest comparative references to apartheid arose from the Hebrew translation and stage adaptation of Alan Paton’s celebrated 1948 novel

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  9. 8 May 2019 Edited Volume Safundi - The Journal of South African and American Studies

    Cultural Solidarities: Itineraries of Anti-Apartheid Expressive Culture


    Table of Contents Cultural solidarities: itineraries of anti-apartheid expressive culture—introduction to the special issue Louise Bethlehem, Lindelwa Dalamba & Uhuru Phalafala Cold War carceral liberalism and other counternarratives: the case of Alan Paton’s Cry, the Beloved Country Sarika Talve-Goodman “What is needed is an ecumenical act of solidarity:” the World

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  10. 8 May 2019 Journal Article Safundi - The Journal of South African and American Studies

    Stenographic Fictions: Mary Benson’s At the Still Point and the South African Political Trial


    From the mid-1960s onward, compilations of the speeches and trial addresses of South African opponents of apartheid focused attention on the apartheid regime despite intensified repression in the wake of the Rivonia Trial. Mary Benson’s novel, At the Still Point, transposes the political trial into fiction. Its “stenographic” codes of representation open Benson’s text

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