
Publications - Psychology Department, The Hebrew University, Israel
  1. 13 Mar 2025 Journal Article Behavior Therapy

    The Emotional Pendulum in ADHD: Insights from Ecological Momentary Assessment of Emotional States in Young Adults


    Emotion dysregulation, and specifically emotional instability, characterizes adults with ADHD. This study utilized ecological momentary assessment (EMA) of emotional states to monitor dynamic patterns of intra-individual emotional instability over different time scales – overall emotional variability over time, and emotional lability, as reflected in the daily and

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  2. 12 Mar 2025 Journal Article Studies in Second Language Acquisition

    New data on text reading in English as a second language: the wave 2 expansion of the multilingual eye movements corpus (MECO)

    Victor Kuperman, Sascha Schroeder, Cengiz Acartürk, Niket Agrawal, Dominick M Alexandre, Lena S Bolliger, Jan Brasser, César Campos-Rojas, Denis Drieghe, Dušica Filipović Đurđević, Luiz Vinicius Gadelha de Freitas, Sofya Goldina, ... show all 50 authors

    This paper reports an expansion of the English as a Second Language (L2) component of the Multilingual Eye Movement Corpus (MECO L2), an international database of eye movements during text reading. While the previous Wave 1 of the MECO project (Kuperman et al., 2023) contained English L2 reading data from readers with 12 different L1 backgrounds, the newly collected

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  3. 11 Mar 2025 Journal Article Journal of Neuroscience

    Motor preparation tracks decision boundary crossing rather than accumulated evidence in temporal decision-making


    Interval timing, the ability of animals to estimate the passage of time, is thought to involve diverse neural processes rather than a single central “clock” (Paton & Buonomano, 2018). Each of the different processes engaged in interval timing follows a different dynamic path, according to its specific function. For example, attention tracks anticipated events, such

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  4. 10 Mar 2025 Journal Article Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders

    Detecting cognitive decline in pediatric MS: The significance of personal measures for high-achievers

    Noa Gur, Dan Hoofien, Tammy Pilowsky Peleg, Esther Ganelin-Cohen


    To explore the need for a personal measure of cognitive decline (Personal Cognitive Decline, Personal-CD), in individuals with Pediatric Onset Multiple Sclerosis (POMS), focusing on declines relative to estimated previous abilities rather than the normative standards. We explored the significance of both Personal-CD, defined as a decline in cognitive performance

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  5. 8 Mar 2025 Journal Article Cognition

    Urges now, interests later: On the factors and dynamics of epistemic curiosity


    More information today is becoming more accessible to more people at an ever-growing rate. How does epistemic curiosity operate in this expanding informational landscape? We test a novel theory which postulates that experienced curiosity is a function of two psychological factors: Interest, which is cognitive, “cool” and relatively stable in time, and Urge that is “hot”

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  6. 6 Mar 2025 Journal Article International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice

    Children Subjected to Forced Separation and Wartime Trauma: Focus on Hostage Twins in the Hamas-Israel War

    Ariel Knafo-Noam, Nancy L Segal

    An especially critical task is to raise awareness of the effects of war on children, in general, and with reference to specific children whose circumstances might enhance their vulnerability. Starting points, from which we begin our discussion, are the abduction and separation of 3-year-old identical twins during the Hamas attacks on the South of Israel, on October 7

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  7. 6 Mar 2025 Preprint

    Inside Out: Displaying mouse cursor trajectories enables the observation of one's own unfolding decision process

    Hodaya Levy-Schulman, Ariel Levy, Maya Enisman, Tali Kleiman

    Individuals’ preferences and decisions are often guided by contextual cues. One such contextual cue is one’s own behavior. Here we investigate the impact of observing one’s own decision behavior on the decision-making process as it unfolds. We introduce a novel feature of mouse-tracking, whereby participants visualize their decision trajectory as a visible line on the

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  8. 3 Mar 2025 Journal Article Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
  9. 3 Mar 2025 Journal Article Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

    Validation of the Cognitive-Emotional Perspective Taking test in patients with neurodegeneration

    Tal Shany-Ur
    Jonathan Adrian Zegarra-Valdivia, Tal Shany-Ur, Myrthe Gwen Rijpma, Patrick Callahan, Pardis Poorzand, Scott N Grossman, Bailey McEachen, Joel H Kramer, Bruce L Miller, Katherine P Rankin

    Background Theory of mind (ToM) is crucial for socioemotional interaction. ToM deficits may explain behavioral changes in dementia, especially Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Objective This study examined the psychometrics of a new ToM test in healthy adults, identified ToM differences in dementia syndromes, and assessed if ToM scores predict

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  10. 3 Mar 2025 Journal Article Communications Psychology

    Virtual contact improves intergroup relations between non-Muslim American and Muslim students from the Middle East, North Africa and Southeast Asia in a field quasi-experiment

    Shira Hebel-Sela, Boaz Hameiri, Linda R Tropp, Samantha L Moore-Berg, Rebecca Saxe, Eran Halperin, Emile G Bruneau

    Given the current polarized climate in many parts of the world, finding effective interventions to address psychological factors that drive conflict is critical. Direct, face-to-face contact has the demonstrated potential to stem the tide of intergroup antipathy. However, modern socio-political conflicts often span great physical distances, making direct contact difficult

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