  1. 21 Jan 2025 Journal Article Physiologia Plantarum

    The Plant Ionome as a Functional Trait: Variation across Bioclimatic Regions and Functional Groups

    Ofir Katz, Renan Fernandes Moura, Michal Gruntman, Marcelo Sternberg

    Plant chemical composition is a trait gaining increasing importance in plant ecology. However, there is limited research on the patterns and drivers of its variation among different plant functional groups and bioclimatic regions. We conducted an analysis of ionomes utilising X-ray fluorescence on 83 plant species from four distinct functional groups (grasses, legumes

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  2. 21 Jan 2025 Journal Article Education Sciences

    Bringing Science to the Periphery Through Distance Learning: Barriers and Opportunities

    Eilat Chen Levy, Gilad Ravid, Yael Shwartz, Noa Avriel-Avni

    Students in peripheral areas often score lower in the sciences than those in urban areas. This study explores the feasibility of distance learning in making quality science education accessible everywhere. In 2016, the Israeli government established technological infrastructure in southern peripheral schools, but these resources remained largely unused. From 2018 to

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  3. Dec 2024 Journal Article Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

    Fungal community dynamics in a hyper-arid ecosystem after 7 and 47 years of petroleum contamination

    Varsik Martirosyan, Ilan Stavi, Tirza Doniger, Itaii Applebaum, Chen Sherman, May Levi, Yosef Steinberger

    This study investigates the impact of crude oil contamination on the fungal community dynamics in the Evrona Nature Reserve, situated in Israel’s hyper-arid Arava Valley. The reserve experienced petroleum-hydrocarbon-spill pollution at two neighboring sites in 1975 and 2014. The initial contamination was left untreated, providing a unique opportunity to compare its

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  4. 29 Nov 2024 Journal Article Ecohydrology

    How Perennials Survive the Droughts—Pulse–Reserve Dynamics in a Hyperarid Basin

    Avshalom Babad, O Bubenzer, S Hecht, Elli Groner

    The hyperarid environment poses significant challenges to local vegetation. The main limiting factors are water scarcity and inconsistent precipitation regimes. Nevertheless, perennials flourish in hyperarid stream channels, predominantly acacia trees, which require significant amounts of water. This study seeks to reveal the mechanism that provides acacias with adequate

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  5. 25 Oct 2024 Journal Article Frontiers in Plant Science

    Ecotypic differentiation of leaf silicon concentration in the grass Brachypodium hybridum along a rainfall gradient

    Susanne Kurze, Jinyu Ouyang, Florian Gade, Ofir Katz, Jörg Schaller, Johannes Metz

    Ecotypic differentiation, reflected in substantial trait differences across populations, has been observed in various plant species distributed across aridity gradients. Nevertheless, ecotypic differentiation in leaf silicon concentration, known to alleviate drought stress in plants, remained hardly explored. Here, we provide a systematic test for ecotypic differentiation

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  6. 21 Oct 2024 Journal Article Aquatic Botany

    Expansion of Halophila stipulacea in parallel with declines of native seagrasses in the eastern Mediterranean Sea


    Seagrasses native to the Mediterranean Sea are anticipated to be adversely affected by climate warming, while the invasive tropical seagrass species Halophila stipulacea is projected to proliferate and alter the region's underwater seascape. Despite the significant implications of this transition, it is surprisingly rare to include H. stipulacea in long-term monitoring

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  7. 1 Oct 2024 Journal Article Journal of Arid Environments

    Miners' diet in the Naḥal ‘Amram copper mines (southern ‘Arabah Valley) during the Roman-Byzantine periods

    Michal David, Uzi Avner, Ehud Weiss, Omri Lernau, Liora Kolska Horwitz

    This study investigates the diet of copper miners at Naḥal ‘Amram (southern Negev Desert), through the examination of the well-preserved remains of plants, mammal and fish bones, dating to the Roman-Byzantine periods (1st–5th centuries CE), recovered during excavations undertaken in three different localities at this mining complex.

    Our analyses revealed that the

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  8. 1 Oct 2024 Journal Article Science of The Total Environment

    A dynamic subtropical coastal hotspot of benthic foraminifera in the Southeastern Mediterranean indicates early-stage tropicalization

    Sneha Titelboim Danna Ashckenazi-Polivoda Manda, Barak Herut, Gil Rilov, Michal Kucera, Raphael Morard, Sigal Abramovich, Sarit Ashckenazi-Polivoda

    Due to ongoing ocean warming, subtropical environments are becoming accessible to tropical species. Among these environments are the vermetid reefs of the Southeastern Mediterranean (SEM). In the last decades, these valuable coastal habitats witnessed the proliferation of numerous alien species of tropical origin. Among the meiofauna thriving on these reefs are benthic

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  9. 15 Aug 2024 Journal Article Water Research

    The effect of temperature on fouling in anaerobic membrane bioreactor: SMP- and EPS-membrane interactions

    Diaa AbuKhadra, Amit Dan Grossman, Ashraf Al Ashhab, Ibrahim Al-Sharabati, Roy Bernstein, Moshe Herzberg

    Biofouling is the main challenge in the operation of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs). Biofouling strongly depends on temperature; therefore, we hypothesize that the interactions and viscoelastic properties of soluble microbial products (SMP) and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) vary with temperature, consequently influencing membrane permeability. This

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  10. Aug 2024 Journal Article Mediterranean Marine Science

    Surprising widespread Cymodocea nodosa occurrence along Israel’s Mediterranean coast and Implications for Seagrass Conservation in a hotspot of climate change

    Ori Hepner Ucko, Eduardo Arlé, Shahar Malamud, Gidon Winters, Jonathan Belmaker

    Cymodocea nodosa is a temperate seagrass that grows in shallow and sheltered waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Although it is found in both the western and eastern basins, it was thought to be absent from the extremely warm and salty waters along the Israeli coastline, the most eastern part of the Mediterranean. We conducted methodical, seasonal, towed-diver surveys

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