  1. 1 Oct 2024 Journal Article Journal of Arid Environments

    Miners' diet in the Naḥal ‘Amram copper mines (southern ‘Arabah Valley) during the Roman-Byzantine periods

    Michal David, Uzi Avner, Ehud Weiss, Omri Lernau, Liora Kolska Horwitz

    This study investigates the diet of copper miners at Naḥal ‘Amram (southern Negev Desert), through the examination of the well-preserved remains of plants, mammal and fish bones, dating to the Roman-Byzantine periods (1st–5th centuries CE), recovered during excavations undertaken in three different localities at this mining complex.

    Our analyses revealed that the

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  2. 28 Nov 2023 Journal Article Religions

    Prehistoric Cult Sites along the Desert Roads


    The Negev desert, the southern half of Israel, is an arid-to-hyper-arid region. Despite that, some 13,000 ancient sites have been recorded here to date, and many were excavated. One characteristic of the Negev (as well as of other deserts) is the abundance of prehistoric and early historic cult sites, dated ca. 8000–2000 BCE. Another is the many ancient roads. The roads

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  3. 1 Oct 2023 Journal Article Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

    Nabataean iron picks for copper mining from Nahal ‘Amram, Israel; Chemical, isotopic and production technology analysis

    Ivan Stepanov, Uzi Avner, Michael Brauns, Nicole Lockhoff, Adi Eliyahu-Behar

    Recent excavations at Naḥal ‘Amram, a Nabataean copper mining center in the Arabah valley, Israel, unearthed for the first time four iron tips of mining picks. The present study undertakes a complex investigation of the picks, including metallographic, indentation hardness, slag inclusions (SIs), metal matrix, and osmium isotopic composition (Os-IC) analyses. The results

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  4. 14 Jul 2023 Journal Article Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World

    A Unique Assemblage of Late Islamic Magical Artifacts from Netafim 2: A Campsite on the Darb al-Hajj, Southern Israel

    I Taxel, Uzi Avner, N Amitai-Preiss

    Many remains of the Muslim pilgrimage road from Cairo to Mecca, the Darb al-Hajj al-Maṣri are preserved in the Eilat region of southern Israel. These include sections of the road, camps, and other associated structures. Most of these remains date to the Mamluk and Ottoman periods. In one camp (Netafim 2), an assemblage of unusual objects was found, including fragmentary

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  5. 2022 Journal Article Studies in Desert Archaeology in Honor of Uzi Avner

    A Byzantine child's burial from the Uvda Valley

    P Smith1, M Faerman, Elisabetta Boaretto, Uzi Avner

    During excavations carried out at the Uvda Valley Site 9, the isolated grave of a young child (aged 2–3 years), was found in a small stone cell incorporated into the perimeter of an Early Bronze Age courtyard. The bones showed no signs of diagenesis in contrast to the faunal remains found at the site, raising suspicions that it was intrusive. This was confirmed by a

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    קבורת ילד ביזנטי מבקעת עובדה

    בחפירות שנערכו באתר 9 בבקעת עובדה נחשפה קבורה בודדת של ילד (גיל 2–3 שנים) בתא אבן קטן המשולב בחצר מתקופת הברונזה הקדומה. העצמות לא הראו סימני התפוררות בניגוד לשרידי בעלי החיים שנמצאו באותו אתר, סימן אפשרי לחדירה מאוחרת לאתר. אפשרות זו אושרה בתיארוך פחמן 4 כקבורה מהתקופה הביזנטית. במאמר זה אנו מציגים את הביו-אנתרופולוגיה של השלד

    הצג עוד
  6. 18 May 2021 Journal Article Entangled Religions

    The Desert’s Role in the Formation of Early Israel and the Origin of Yhwh


    The origin of ancient Israel has been questioned and intensively discussed for almost two centuries by many researchers, from two main schools of thought. One believes the early Israelites came from outside the Land of Cana‘an and conquered it, while the other believes they rose from within Cana‘an, forming a new polity and culture. Scholars are likewise divided whether

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  7. 3 Dec 2020 Journal Article Paléorient

    Hunting in the skies: Dating, paleoenvironment and archaeology at the late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site of Naḥal Roded 110, Eilat Mountains, Israel

    Michal Birkenfeld, Uzi Avner, Daniella E Bar-Yosef Mayer, Linda Scott Cummings, Filipe Natalio, Frank H Neumann, Naomi Porat, Louis Scott, Tal Simmons, Michael B Toffolo, Liora Kolska Horwitz

    This paper presents findings from the first season of excavations conducted at the mountain-top site of Naḥal Roded 110, located in the southern Negev Desert near Eilat, Israel. Both radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence date the site to the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (LPPNB, late 8th millennium BC). Palaeoenvironmental data from pollen and charcoal indicate

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  8. Sep 2020 Journal Article Negev, Dead Sea and Arava Studies

    Nabataeans in the Yotvata Oasis


    A renewed examination of Nabataean sites in the Yotvata Oasis brought to light a rich settlement scenario from of the 3rd-2nd century BC to the early 7th century AD. It allowed a new understanding of the function of some sites and a broader view on the Oasis position in the past ,with implications on the past position of Gulf of Eilat ,the city of Aila and of the Arabah

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    נבטים בנווה יטבתה

    סקירה מחודשת של האתרים הנבטיים בנווה יטבתה העלתה תמונה עשירה של התיישבות בפרק הזמן מן המאה ה-ג'-ב' לפנה"ס ועד ראשית המאה ה-ז' לספירה. היא אפשרה הבנה מחודשת של תפקידם של אתרים אחדים והבנה רחבה יותר על מעמדו של הנווה בעבר, עם השלכות על מעמדם של ראש מפרץ אילת, העיר אילה והערבה בפרק זמן זה !

  9. Aug 2020 Journal Article Neo-Lithics

    Snakes of Stone: A Unique Stone Artefact From the LPPNB Site of Naḥal Roded 110

    Estelle Orrelle, Uzi Avner, Liora Kolska Horwitz, Michal Birkenfeld

    Much has been written about the Levantine PrePottery Neolithic as a period of innovation and change, particularly regarding the transition to food production and sedentism. But this period in general, and more specifically, the Middle Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (MPPNB; ~10150-9725 calBP), also witnessed a dramatic increase in symbolic imagery, both in diversity and number

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  10. 28 Mar 2020 Journal Article Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

    Detecting changes in copper technology by analyzing slag from Nahal Amram Israel

    Shana Shilstein, Tal Kan-Cipor-Meron, Uzi Avner, Sariel Shalev

    As part of the archaeological study of Nahal Amram in the ‘Araba valley, copper slag samples from a mining camp dating from the 5th millennium BCE until the 1st millennium AD were chemically analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) in an attempt to determine the technological level of production in each of the site’s occupation. The method provides a tool to distinguish

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