  1. 7 Feb 2024 Book Review The Journal of Japanese Studies

    Social Change in Japan, 1989–2019: Social Status, Social Consciousness, Attitudes and Values ed. by Carola Hommerich, Naoki Sudo, and Toru Kikkawa


    The Heisei era, which lasted for the three decades ending in 2019, was undoubtedly a highly eventful period. The edited book at hand is not presented, however, as a summary of the period. Instead, it sets out to analyze "how these events have impacted the social attitudes and values held by the Japanese people" (p. 4). The main significance of this volume, edited by

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  2. Oct 2022 Journal Article Current Anthropology

    We are not Ikumen, We are Self-Reliant Househusbands: Crafting a Stay-At-Home-Father Identity in Japan


    The participation of fathers in parenting and caring has become a topical issue in the public discourse in Japan. The phenomenon is often epitomized in the popular neologism ikumen, defining fathers actively involved in childcare (ikuji) as “cool” men. Based on extended ethnography, the article focuses on a group of men who reject the ostensibly carefree ikumen image

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  3. Mar 2021 Journal Article Social Compass

    The translation of self-spirituality into organizations

    Nurit Zaidman, Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni

    This study provides an analysis of rich field-based data regarding the translation of self-spirituality into Israeli public schools. The study also draws from research conducted in other Western for-profit and health organizations. While the analysis supports existing assertions from research regarding the increasing market orientation of the culture of self-spirituality

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  4. May 2020 Journal Article Gender, Work and Organization

    ‘Working fathers' in Japan: Leading a change in gender relations?


    Does the emergent phenomenon of ‘working fathers' herald a process of change in gender relations in Japan? Against the background of the current discourse in Japan about new modes of fathers' participation in the family, the article focuses on the small group of working fathers — men who explicitly organize their working lives around family responsibilities — to examine

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  5. May 2019 Journal Article Journal of Family Issues

    The Japanese Corporate Family: The Marital Gender Contract Facing New Challenges:


    The analytical prism of gender contract is used in this article as a means to conceptualize the cultural construction of the idea of the heteronormative “ordinary” Japanese family, a construct that gained hegemonic dominance over the course of Japan’s stable prosperous postwar period (1960s-1980s); and from there, for examining the strength of this normative “contract”

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  6. 31 Mar 2019 Wohin geht die Reise?

    Space, Place and Boundary in Fieldwork - Thoughts on E-conversation as a Reflexive Ethnographic Tool


    “You are right about e-mail which gives us a strange feeling about the distance and time. I can’t really tell whether we are near or far,” thus wrote to me Mariko my principle informant and interlocutor in my study of the lives of housewives in her own middle-class Japanese neighborhood that was summarized in my book on Housewives of Japan (Goldstein-Gidoni 2012). The

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  7. 25 Feb 2019 הקרן הלאומית למדע - מחקר בגובה העיניים

    New Fathers in Contemporary Japan

    אבות חדשים ביפן בת זמננו

    על רקע התפיסות המגדריות השמרניות ואי השוויון המגדרי המאפיינים את יפן, בשנים האחרונות מתרחבת תופעה חדשה של אבות המעוניינים להיות שותפים בגידול הילדים ובעבודת הבית. המחקר שלי מצביע על האתגרים הניצבים בפניהם כיום

  8. 2018 Book Chapter Consuming Life in Post-Bubble Japan: A Transdisciplinary Perspective

    Consuming Domesticity in Post-Bubble Japan


    Post-bubble Japan is characterized by an unprecedented diversity and proliferation of options for lifestyles for women. Paradoxically, it was the bursting of the economic bubble in the 1990s that caused the market to intensify its grip on Japanese women of all ages. This chapter focuses on one of the main social roles still available to women in Japan – that of the

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  9. Apr 2017 Book Chapter Life Course, Happiness and Well-being in Japan

    Being happy as a woman: The promise of happiness for middle-class housewives in Japan


    This chapter focuses on the ideas of happiness grasped by middle-class housewives of today's Japan. It also focuses on happiness as a socio-cultural idea and on the way people in a specific cultural context conceive happiness. The chapter shows the ideas of happiness for contemporary middle-class housewives still are strongly related to the ideas or pursuit of stability

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  10. Mar 2017 Journal Article Asian Studies Review

    “The Joy of Normal Living” as the Promise of Happiness for Japanese Women and their Families


    “The Joy of Normal Living” is at once the motto and the ideology of Kurihara Harumi, Japan’s best-known charisma housewife and icon of domesticity. This article looks at the relationship between “normal living” and the promise of happiness, as formulated in postwar Japan. Beginning with the government’s promotion, in the early postwar period, of the idea of akarui

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