1. 22 Jan 2025 Journal Article Nature Physics

    Free-electron quantum optics

    Ron Ruimy, Aviv Karnieli, Ido Kaminer

    Recent theoretical and experimental breakthroughs have given rise to the emerging field of free-electron quantum optics, reshaping the understanding of free-electron physics. Traditionally rooted in classical electrodynamics, this field now reveals quantum-mechanical features that necessitate the frameworks of quantum electrodynamics and quantum optics. This shift

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  2. 21 Jan 2025 Journal Article Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

    Recent advancements in atomic many-body methods for high-precision studies of isotope shifts

    B K Sahoo, Steven A Blundell, Alexander Oleynichenko, R F Garcia Ruiz, Leonid V Skripnikov, Ben Ohayon

    The development of atomic many-body methods, capable of incorporating electron correlation effects accurately, is required for isotope shift (IS) studies. In combination with precise measurements, such calculations help to extract nuclear charge radii differences, and to probe for signatures of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. We review here a few

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  3. 19 Jan 2025 Preprint arXiv

    Disentanglement--induced bistability in a magnetic resonator


    Multi--stability in the response of a ferrimagnetic spin resonator to an externally applied driving is experimentally studied. The observed multi--stability cannot be derived from any master equation that linearly depends on the spins' reduced density operator. Traditionally, the nonlinearity that is required in order to theoretically account for the observed multi--stability

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  4. 15 Jan 2025 Preprint arXiv

    Towards Precision Spectroscopy of Antiprotonic Atoms for Probing Strong-field QED

    Gonçalo Baptista, Shikha Rathi, Michael Roosa, Quentin Senetaire, Jonas Sommerfeldt, Toshiyuki Azuma, Daniel Becker, Francois Butin, Ofir Eizenberg, Joseph Fowler, Hiroyuki Fujioka, Davide Gamba, Nabil Garroum, Mauro Guerra, Tadashi Hashimoto, Takashi Higuchi, Paul Indelicato, Jorge Machado, Kelsey Morgan, Francois Nez, Jason Nobles, Ben Ohayon, Shinji Okada, Daniel Schmidt, Daniel Swetz, Joel N Ullom, Pauline Yzombard, Marco Zito, Nancy Paul

    PAX (antiProtonic Atom X-ray spectroscopy) is a new experiment with the aim to test strong-field quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects by performing high-precision x-ray spectroscopy of antiprotonic atoms. By utilizing advanced microcalorimeter detection techniques and a low-energy antiproton beam provided by the ELENA ring at CERN, gaseous targets will be used for the

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  5. 8 Jan 2025 Preprint arXiv

    Eliminating the confined dark-exciton qubit precession using an externally applied magnetic field


    We investigate experimentally and theoretically the behavior of the confined dark exciton in an InAs/GaAs semiconductor quantum dot, under the application of an external magnetic field in Voigt configuration. We show that by varying the magnitude and direction of the external field one can accurately control the dark-exciton fine-structure splitting. In addition, we

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  6. 30 Dec 2024 Journal Article Physical Review B

    Light-controlled terahertz plasmonic time-varying media: Momentum gaps, entangled plasmon pairs, and pulse-induced time reversal


    This Letter establishes a Floquet engineering framework in which coherent high frequency light with a time dependent amplitude can be used to parametrically excite and amplify THz plasmons, mirror plasmonic wave packets in time, and generate momentum-gapped plasmonic band structures, entangled plasmon pairs, and THz radiation in two dimensional Dirac systems. Our results

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  7. 30 Dec 2024 Preprint arXiv

    Superfluorescent scintillation from coupled perovskite quantum dots


    Scintillation, the process of converting high-energy radiation to detectable visible light, is pivotal in advanced technologies spanning from medical diagnostics to fundamental scientific research. Despite significant advancements toward faster and more efficient scintillators, there remains a fundamental limit arising from the intrinsic properties of scintillating

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  8. 27 Dec 2024 Preprint arXiv

    Muonium fine structure: theory update, tests of Lorentz violation and experimental prospects

    Philipp Blumer, Svenja Geissmann, Arnaldo J Vargas, Gianluca Janka, Ben Ohayon, Paolo Crivelli

    We review the status of the QED calculations for the muonium $2S_{1/2}-2P_{3/2}$ energy interval and provide the updated theoretical value of $9874.357\pm0.001\,\mathrm{MHz}$. Additionally, we present a model for probing Lorentz-violating coefficients within the Standard Model Extension framework using the fine structure measurement in the presence and absence of a weak

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  9. 26 Dec 2024 Journal Article ACS Nano

    Collective Interactions of Quantum-Confined Excitons in Halide Perovskite Nanocrystal Superlattices

    Shai Levy, Orr Be’er, Saar Shaek, Alexey Gorlach, Einav Scharf, Yonatan Ossia, Rotem Liran, Kobi Cohen, Rotem Strassberg, Ido Kaminer, Uri Banin, Yehonadav Bekenstein

    Collective optical properties can emerge from an ordered ensemble of emitters due to interactions between the individual units. Superlattices of halide perovskite nanocrystals exhibit collective light emission, influenced by dipole–dipole interactions between simultaneously excited nanocrystals. This coupling changes both the emission energy and rate compared to the

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  10. 24 Dec 2024 Journal Article Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

    Quantum Electrodynamics in High-Harmonic Generation: Multitrajectory Ehrenfest and Exact Quantum Analysis

    Sebastián de-la-Peña, Ofer Neufeld, Matan Even Tzur, Oren Cohen, Heiko Appel, Angel Rubio

    High-harmonic generation (HHG) is a nonlinear process in which a material sample is irradiated by intense laser pulses, causing the emission of high harmonics of incident light. HHG has historically been explained by theories employing a classical electromagnetic field, successfully capturing its spectral and temporal characteristics. However, recent research indicates

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