1. 24 Feb 2025 Preprint arXiv

    Robust treatment of finite nuclear size reduces CKM unitarity deficit

    Mikhail Gorchtein, Vaibhav Katyal, Ben Ohayon, B K Sahoo, Chien-Yeah Seng

    We revisit the extraction of the $|V_{ud}|$ CKM matrix element from the superallowed transition decay rate of $^{26m}$Al$\rightarrow$$^{26}$Mg, focusing on finite nuclear size effects. We show that the dependence of the decay rate of $^{26m}$Al on its charge radius is 4 times greater than previously believed, so it must be determined with high precision. However, for

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  2. 18 Feb 2025 Preprint arXiv

    Fundamental constraints on quantum fluctuations: Conservation laws, reality, and no-signaling


    Quantum fluctuations and noise are fundamental in quantum technologies, affecting computing, sensing, cryptography, and thermodynamics. These include fluctuations in the variation of energy, charge, and other observables driven by interactions with lasers, amplifiers, and baths. Despite the precise rules quantum mechanics provides for measuring observables at single

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  3. 14 Feb 2025 Preprint arXiv

    Thermal and thermoelectric transport in flat bands with non-trivial quantum geometry

    Kevin Wen, Hong-Yi Xie, Assa Auerbach, Bruno Uchoa

    Although quasiparticles in flat bands have zero group velocity, they can display an anomalous velocity due to the quantum geometry. We address the thermal and thermoelectric transport in flat bands in the clean limit with a small amount of broadening due to inelastic scattering. We derive general Kubo formulas for flat bands in the DC limit up to linear order in the

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  4. 13 Feb 2025 Preprint arXiv

    Measuring and controlling the birth of quantum attosecond pulses

    Matan Even Tzur, Chen Mor, Noa Yaffe, Michael Birk, Andrei Rasputnyi, Omer Kneller, Ido Nisim, Ido Kaminer, Michael Krüger, Nirit Dudovich, Oren Cohen

    The generation and control of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation by high harmonic generation (HHG) have advanced ultrafast science, providing direct insights into electron dynamics on their natural time scale. Attosecond science has established the capability to resolve ultrafast quantum phenomena in matter by characterizing and controlling the classical properties of

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  5. 11 Feb 2025 Conference Paper 16th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2025)

    The Local Hamiltonian Problem for Quasi-Quantum States: A Toy Model for the Quantum PCP Conjecture

    Itai Arad
    Itai Arad, Miklos Santha

    In this work we define a new classical constraint satisfaction problem that shares many of the properties of the quantum local Hamiltonian problem, distinguishing it from the usual classical k-SAT problem. The problem consists of minimizing the number of violated local constraints over a restricted set of distributions of assignments. We show that these distributions

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  6. 5 Feb 2025 Journal Article Physical Review B

    Ising superconductivity in the bulk incommensurate layered material (PbS)1.13(TaS2)

    Sajilesh K P, Roni Anna Gofman, Yuval Nitzav, Avior Almoalem, Ilay Mangel, Toni Shiroka, Nicholas C Plumb, Chiara Bigi, Francois Bertran, J Sánchez-Barriga, Amit Kanigel

    Exploiting the spin-valley degree of freedom of electrons in materials is a promising avenue for energy-efficient information storage and quantum computing. A key challenge in utilizing spin-valley polarization is the realization of spin-valley locking in bulk systems. Here we report a comprehensive study of the noncentrosymmetric bulk misfit compound

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  7. 5 Feb 2025 Preprint arXiv

    Probing new hadronic forces with heavy exotic atoms

    Hongkai Liu, Ben Ohayon, Omer Shtaif, Yotam Soreq

    We explore the potential of precision spectroscopy of heavy exotic atoms where electrons are substituted by negative hadrons to detect new force carriers with hadronic couplings. The selected transitions are unaffected by nuclear contact terms, thus enabling highly accurate calculations using bound-state QED, provided that the nuclear polarization is under control

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  8. 4 Feb 2025 Preprint arXiv

    Topological Tenfold Classification and the Entanglement of Two Qubits


    We present a constructive method utilizing the Cartan decomposition to characterize topological properties and their connection to two-qubit quantum entanglement, in the framework of the tenfold classification and Wootters' concurrence. This relationship is comprehensively established for the 2-qubit system through the antiunitary time reversal (TR) operator. The TR

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  9. 1 Feb 2025 Journal Article Advanced Materials

    Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking Superconductivity in HfRhGe: A Noncentrosymmetric Weyl Semimetal

    Sajilesh K P, Roshan Kumar Kushwaha, Dibyendu Samanta, Tymoteusz Tula, Pavan Kumar Meena, Shashank Srivastava, Deepak Singh, Pabitra Kumar Biswas, Amit Kanigel, Adrian D Hillier, Sudeep Kumar Ghosh, Ravi Prakash Singh

    Weyl semimetals are a novel class of topological materials with unique electronic structures and distinct properties. HfRhGe stands out as a noncentrosymmetric Weyl semimetal with unconventional superconducting characteristics. Using muon-spin rotation and relaxation (µSR) spectroscopy and thermodynamic measurements, a fully gapped superconducting state is identified

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  10. 31 Jan 2025 Journal Article Physical Review Letters

    Maximal Quantum Interaction between Free Electrons and Photons

    Zetao Xie, Zeling Chen, Hao Li, Qinghui Yan, Hongsheng Chen, Xiao Lin, Ido Kaminer, Owen D Miller, Yujia Yang

    The emerging field of free-electron quantum optics enables electron-photon entanglement and holds the potential for generating nontrivial photon states for quantum information processing. Although recent experimental studies have entered the quantum regime, rapid theoretical developments predict that qualitatively unique phenomena only emerge beyond a certain interaction

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