
Publications | Karel Martens, Technion, Israel
  1. 18 Sep 2024 Journal Article Social Science Research Network

    Relations Matter: Toward Relational Egalitarianism in Transport


    This paper proposes a relational egalitarian framework for conceptualizing justice in transport planning and policymaking. Building on Elizabeth Anderson's work, we argue that transport justice should be understood in terms of dismantling oppressive social hierarchies rather than merely redistributing resources. The paper outlines three key dimensions of relational

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  2. 1 Sep 2024 Journal Article Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour

    Therapists' perspectives on experience and treatment of mobility-related anxiety disorders


    In this paper, we explore how psychology professionals understand and treat the mobility issues of people diagnosed with anxiety disorder, based on 13 in-depth interviews. All interviewees regularly treat clients facing challenges using various modes of transportation due to anxiety disorders. Their clients exhibit a range of mobility issues, with some struggling with

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  3. 1 Jul 2024 Conference Paper AESOP Annual Congress Proceedings

    The Dual Processes of Fragmentation and Integration in Transport Tendering: Understanding Transport Integration in a Unitary National Government


    A high level of integration of public transport services in terms of scheduling, ticketing, and cross-operator data provision and others is crucial to provide a high level of service to potential users. Transport integration issues are a growing need as transport providers consider low cost ways of increasing ridership following the travel pattern disruptions exacerbated

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  4. 18 Jun 2024 Preprint Social Science Research Network

    Sustainable Travel: Are Leading Companies Doing Better?


    Every workplace has an explicit or implicit transportation policy with respect to its employee mobility. Whether it is officially managed or not, employer's policies regarding parking provision, travel allowances and other transport related financial or non-financial benefits affect employee transport-related decisions, such as vehicle ownership and mode choice. These

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  5. 4 Jun 2024 Book Chapter Sustainable Automated and Connected Transport

    Rescuing Transport from Inequities: How Can Automated and Connected Transport Contribute to a More Inclusive Transport System?


    The massive investment in, and development of, automated and connected transport (ACT) technology development has triggered much debate about this breakthrough technology’s potential positive and negative impacts. Multiple studies have explored the potential direct implications for users in terms of road safety, ‘productive’ travel time, mobility of the elderly and

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  6. Jun 2024 Journal Article Transportation

    Examining the performance of transit systems in large US metropolitan areas


    The assessment of transport systems has traditionally focused on congestion and ridership as its core performance measures. These perspectives fail to account for the actual service people seek from the transport system—the ability to reach destinations. Recent studies have shifted to focus on accessibility as a performance indicator, but do not address the question

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  7. 30 May 2024 Journal Article Transport Reviews

    Workplace responsibility for employee mobility? A review of sustainability reporting frameworks


    Employers significantly influence employee travel habits through their policies and benefits, impacting workforce selection, equality of opportunities, and the environment. This study analyses what the fast-growing body of business sustainability standards and reporting frameworks (also known as Corporate Social Responsibility or Environment-Social-Governance (ESG)

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  8. 11 May 2024 Journal Article Social Science Research Network

    Determining People's Ease and Difficulty of Movement Based on Observed Travel Behavior


    This paper presents an approach to use GPS-based travel behavior surveys to determine who is being served well and who is being served poorly by the transport system. We draw on the extensive literature on travel behavior, which has shown that people’s travel behavior is at least in part shaped by the travel barriers they experience. Starting from this basic insight

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  9. 20 Apr 2024 Journal Article Transport Findings

    A Scale for Describing People’s Mobility Status


    We introduce and test a visual analogue scale (VAS) to measure to what extent people experience difficulties in reaching destinations (N=180). Known-group analyses showed that respondents who are younger, without vehicle access, or in need of a walking aid, had significantly worse accessibility. Regression analysis with reported mobility problems as dependent variables

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  10. 19 Mar 2024 Preprint Social Science Research Network

    Bus Stop Amenities Policies: Evidence from the USA

    Ian Trivers, Karel Martens

    Bus stops are critical transit infrastructure but, despite their importance, are among the least studied elements of transit systems. There is growing evidence that the amenities provided at bus stops positively influence ridership, reduce perceived wait times at bus stops, enhance rider satisfaction, can help reduced crime at stops, and improve riders sense of safety

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